Monday, January 11, 2010


What i learned when i travled to Alberta...
The capital of Alberta is Edmonton.West Edmonton mall is one of the biggest mall's in the world.Calgary is a major city in Alberta. Rock climbing is one of the great activities to do in Alberta. The western cordillera is great for tourisum and forestry. The sulfer springs smell like rotton eggs and have alot of snails living there. There is a lot of farming and ranches that have a lot of cattle and wheat growning on the farms. In Alberta there are many wolves living there. The tar sands have a big effect on the money and the environment in Alberta. Some people are against it and some people are for it. Alberta is a beautiful place to visit. The main land forms there are Interior plains and the Western cordillera. Fort Mcmurry is a great place to go in ablerta, they make alott of money, and sometimes they call it "Fort Mcmoney" because they make so much.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry. Check your spelling before you post.
