Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Manitoba .

What i learned when i travled to Manitoba..

The capital of Manitoba is Winipeg. Manitoba has mostly Interior plains that have alot of farms.
In Churchill there are no roads, so you have to fly or take a train to get there. When your there, you would be looking out on to Hudson bay. The hudson bay lowlands have alot of baluga whales and polar bears . They mostly do alot of hunting, since they have alot of wild animals there. Lake winipeg is the biggest lake in Manitoba. Manitoba is bordered by Ontario, saskachewan and south USA. Devils lake is really polouted and there trying not to poloute it more, it's also connected into lake Winipeg wich is alos making it wose . Who would have thought that a Canadian city could be so affected by a desision made in the United states.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


What i learned when i travlled to Ontario..

The capital city of Ontario is Toronto. The population of Onatrio is 12.1 million. The provincial flower is the white trillum. There manucatured products are Automobiles, Iron&Steal, and Michinery. The three main land froms are Hudson bay, St.lawrence low lands, and the canadian sheild. There Province convered with 90% canadian sheild. One sixth of the Ontario is made of up of lakes and rivers. Mined products are nickel and coper. The word "Ontario" means beautiful lake or "Shinning water" . Lake supirior is the largest lake in Ontario.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


What i learned when i travlled to P.E.I..
The Capital of P.E.I. of Charlotte town. They have the history of Anne of green gables for alot of tourists.
There main resource is potato's, they grow alot of them every year. They have a speacialty bottle house, made of alll bottles from years and years. They have a kind of sand, thats called "red sand", and it's red from the iron mixed with air and water. P.E.I is a great place to grow potatos. Also, an amazing place for tourisum. It has very beatiful scenery .


What i learned when i travlled to Quebec..

Quebec city is the capital or Quebec. It's a french province and It has the most land mass. There population is ranked second in Canada. Montreal is the largest city and there specialty foods are, poutine, smoked meat, and beagles. Canadian sheild has alot of mining, and igneous rock. Appalations [another landform] rolling hills st lwrence lowlands also have alot of fishing too. They took three rivers and combined them togeather to make one big one. The rivers there are the James bay, Hudson bay, and the St.lawrence river. The james bay project is alos happening in Quebec.